These train days are gonna kill me. So this morning we took U Bahn (sort of subway) to Westbahnhoff station to get on the West Bahn train to Munich. Found platform fine.
We get on train and you can check in automatically with a QR code on seat in front of you. It takes you to the train site, you put your seat number in and you are checked in. No ticket check necessary. Pretty cool.
It’s a four hour ride . It is so quiet on the train. On Ireland and English trains it was party city with people drinking and carrying on. Beautiful mountains along the way.
We get to the German border crossing and the police come on to check passports and IDs. Takes a long time. Put us behind schedule.
On to Munich. Now we thought we could go to Augsburg, where we are staying, from that station. We buy the tickets and look for the platform. We don’t find it. Of course we don’t.
So we go to the information and are told we have to go to another station for that train about 6 miles away. We need to take the subway to the new station. So we find that. Get to the station, find the platform, almost get on going the wrong way. Get on right train and get to Augsburg. It is a 20 minute walk to the hotel. We could have taken the tram but who wants to try and find that at this point?
So just before we get to the hotel we find a carnival going ona bock away. M refuses to go on a ride with me.
Another travel day in the books and ten more grey hairs.
via Blogger
September 03, 2022 at 08:25PM
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