Sunday, September 4, 2022

Are people from Bavaria lederhosen wearing beer swizzlers?

 This city we’re staying in, Augsburg,was founded in 15 BC by order of Roman emperor Augustus. It was conquered by the Huns, Charlemagne. Cant say I know much about them. There was war between the Catholics and the Protestants (who always seem to be fighting each other).

It is part of Bavaria and the area is led by a political party called the Christian Social Union. They have been referred to as “lederhosen wearing beer swizzlers”. They espouse family values based on catholic teaching but are forward thinking in many others area such as the environment.

Maybe the Christian part of the Christian Social Union explains why nothing here is open on Sunday. Grocery stores, most restaurants, malls, you name it. I guess everybody is in church.

After church they came to the Augsburg Plaerrer, a 2 week folk festival, and partied like it was 1999.  Many wore lederhosen and the gals wore traditional dresses and drank from huge beer mugs. There were jaunty hats.

They ate schnitzel (what a great word), brats and very large pretzels. There were six large horses hitched up to pull a wagon of beer kegs. Fun was had by all.

So are people from Augsburg lederhosen wear beer swizzlers? No. They are proud of their traditions and like to have fun.

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Stranger in a strange land that's me