Wednesday, October 19, 2022

the deserted beach of Gava Barcelona

A foggy day in Barcelona. We will be in Barcelona for 2 weeks so not frantically rushing to see everything. Today we stayed in Gava where the airbnb is. It is cool around here just on its own. 

Beautiful Aleppo Pines line the streets. We walked down to where you can get a good view of the mountains. The range is the Montserrat mountains. They are beautiful and you can get a view of the details of the mountains about a half mile from here.  

Back to the beach this evening. How can we resist a beach that is 4-5 blocks away and has beautiful sunsets? We can't. Gava beach is 2.3 miles long. It gets 2 millions visitors a year There are lots of bars along the beach. The scene must be very different in the summer. . 

There are very few people on the beach now in the part we are near. Especially today. It is hazy and cloudy, a little chilly.There are fisherman here with very tall poles.

I've never seen ocean fishing so it's interesting. These guys come with a zip case with parts of the fishing pole. It's starts wit a stand that goes down into the sand. The fishing pole goes on that once it has been cast. It's a very tall fishing pole. It takes a lot of effort to cast it. I wonder if they catch fish? Didn't see that.

They arrive at dusk which is the best time to catch fish I guess. 

What a great place for people to live: nice neighborhood, the sea blocks away. Beautiful mountain view's. Doesn't get much better.

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October 19, 2022 at 08:

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The drunk lady on the bus singing Spanish songs

Today we went back to Barcelona. M much better. So on the bus we go back to Plaça de Catyluna. From there we decide to walk to Sagrada Familia basilica, one of the most famous places in Barcelona.  But first...

We head down some long, narrow interesting alleys with interesting shops, art. We stop at one place with art, jewelry. I bought a couple postcards. There was an open interesting looking area in back of the cash register. I asked him if it was his house. It wasn't. He told me how he bought the space before covid and somehow made it through but was still struggling. 

The Sagrada Familia is unlike any church you've ever seen. It is unique looking to say the least. It is a combination of gothic and art nouveau architecture. After looking into it online (as I do), you cant take it at face value. It's very complicated on the exterior alone. It has 3 facades called the nativity, the passion and the glory. They depict the life of Jesus, the apostles, the saints and lots of other things. Elements of nature and ceramics are mixed in.

It was started in the 1800's and the artist, Gaudi, knew he wouldn't finish it, so he left detailed plans to do so. Work still continues and is scheduled to be done in 2026, 100 years after his death. 

I sat down to rest my weary bones and met a couple from Canada who have travelled extensively and were friendly and interesting.

Back on the metro to head toward home. There was a man on the train. playing the saxophone. When he was done, people clapped and gave him money.  I remember being on the NYC subway with these guys who would dance, sing and everybody ignored them. 

On to the bus only to be entertained by a drunk woman singing Spanish songs, sometimes with rhythmic accompaniment. Made bus ride go faster.

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October 18, 2022 at 08:37PM

Monday, October 17, 2022

hello Barcelona, goodbye Barcelona

So today we went to Barcelona and had to come right back because M didn't feel good. 

We got off the bus at Plaça de Catalunya which separates the old town from the newer part of the city. The plaza  has a fountain and a big plaza with benches around it. There must have been 599 pigeons in the plaza. They were so used to people they would sit on peoples shoulder, eat out of their hand. Cute but I don't think so and I actually like pigeons. 

M and I were walking back from the store this evening and he said: "Can you believe we are walking through a neighborhood in Barcelona Spain? Every once and a while it will hit us where we are and how unreal it sometimes seems. 

It is really cool staying in the neighborhoods where the locals live. People are going about their lives like we would back home. We shop with them, take the bus with them. Ask them questions often. When we do they say they don't speak english but usually can a little. They seem so happy to help us. So kind. 

The best part of the day has been going to the beach a couple hours before sunset and sitting by the water. Watching and listening to the waves roll in. It is so relaxing and peaceful. The sun goes down near the mountains. When it is going down the light reflects on the water and I wish I could capture how beautiful it 

I won't miss a night of watching the sun set.

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October 17, 2022 at 07:45PM

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Gava, Barcelona is perfect

Is Gava, Barcelona the perfect place? It comes close.

We are staying in a very nice neighborhood with lots of apartments, some homes. The homes looks expensive. Everything is behind a gate here. Break ins are a problem in Spain and can be violent. 

The neighborhood has these tree lined streets. I think they are called Aleppo pines.  The beach is literally about 4 blocks away. It is a very clean sandy beachfront. Not crowded. There are people surfing paddle boarding, fishing. Lots of restaurants and bars. 

Today I walked to the business district. Along the way the mountains that seemed far away, were closer. Beautiful tree lined mountains were visible in more detail. 

Along the way there was a canal that was being used for recreational sports like boating.  They had this set up with a cable that was oval in shape and long. In the middle were ski jumps. You could grab on with water skis on and go up the ramps and jump holding on to the cable. Hard to describe but very unique. 

The business districts has all kinds of stores, restaurants, movie theatre. Very nice. Nice big grocery store in the mall. Took a bus back to the airbnb. The bus stops right in front of where we are staying.

Went dow to the beach to watch the sunset. Probably do that every night.

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October 16, 2022 at 08:09PM

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Travel day #567


It was 3 hours from Madrid to Barcelona by train. Beautiful country along the way. It started with the red clay soil with lots of trees and ?grapevines.  Then it became more desert like with what looked like sand and very dark green vegetation and this is where the hills started. Last 3rd of the trip was more red clay and  lush green hills with trees. Mountains in the distance. 

We arrived at the train station and first order of business : where is the bus stop for our bus to the airbnb? Turns out it's right in front of the train station! We are staying in Gava, 45 minutes from Barcelona. There were 31 stops. We got there in less time because it went on highway part of the time and driver went about 50. Stopped right in front of place we're staying. 

We are a 5 minute walk from the ocean in a fancy neighborhood. Beach is beautiful. Sunset was beautiful. Wish we weren't so far from Barcelona but this is really how we have been doing it. Staying at least a half hour outside the city most places. More affordable. 

I could probably skip Barcelona and sit on the beach every day. Of course I won't do that. It was 77 today and sunny. That's a dig at you all. I know you had your first snow. 

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October 15, 2022 at 07:35PM

Friday, October 14, 2022

My favorite part of Madrid

 We have been in Madrid, a city of 3.2 million, for 1 week as of tomorrow. Madrid is a big city that is very busy, lots of traffic, lots of people. I cant imagine how busy it must be at the height of tourist season. 

I feel like I have seen the highlights of Madrid, most of the landmarks, it's beautiful buildings. Went to a museum, botanical gardens.  Walked through the big park 3 or 4 times. Ate out. 

I could navigate my way through the city anywhere at this point using metro or bus. Easy system to use and understand. I am not afraid to go places by myself in these cities. Google map so is my best friend.

I see so much because I walk everywhere. To get to the central part of the city I can walk through a big park or take the bus or train. I've mostly walked. Walking through the park is really nice.  I walk everywhere. 

On a trip like this, you learn real quick how to navigate your way around. What bus or train is near where I'm staying? How do I pay for it? Where is the stop? Which direction do I go. We have only stayed in Dublin in the central part of the city. Mostly we have stayed in neighborhoods. We quickly learn where is the nearest grocery store, pharmacy.

Even navigating the trains has become easier. The European train system is a lot easier to use than the UK. Less chaotic. More direct.

One thing I have discovered is there is a myth that people over here in Europe speak english, especially in the big cities. Not really true. People may speak un poquito, but many don't speak any at all. 

I also thought the fact that I had a pretty big group of spanish words I knew, that it would help me. You learn them just living in the U.S. Doesn't  really help. 

My favorite thing about Madrid? I'd have to the Parque del Retiro. I love these big parks in these cities. They have a variety of trees and flowers. They have really been designed well. The royal botanical garden is part of it. There is always something going on in the park. It's really fun. The last two cities have had gorgeous parks!

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October 14, 2022 at 05:47PM

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

European cities so much less frantic

One thing I have noticed in Europe is how livable the cities are. They are designed so people will enjoy their life. There are often times large parks which are beautiful with gardens and sports and lakes. Lots of people use the parks. There are restaurants and kiosks.

I have walked through the Parque Del Retiro three times since I have been here and been delighted each time. I have seen people running, walling, roller skating, dancing, meditating. There are always a couple of musicians playing.

Today we spent some time in the park. Lots of people there because of the national holiday. There were street performers putting on long shows with juggling, magic. There was Micky & Minnie, Transformer man,etc figures taking pictures with people. There were musicians. Lots of people were just sitting enjoying the day. 

Another thing that makes these cities liveable are the transportation systems. You can get anywhere in the cities easily on subways, trams, buses. They are easy to use and cheap. (1.50 in Madrid)

There are so many mom and pop restaurants that are cheap. Lots of outdoor cafes. Groceries, drug stores, retail stores are right in the neighborhood so you really could get by without a car. 

People here seem so much more relaxed, less frantic. They spend long periods at dinner, drinks with friends and family.

There are lots of benches to sit down and relax. They actually want you to sit and relax.

I know that I am looking at this from the outside in. I don't live here. I don't have the daily grind like people do in their lives. I get that. Its just that when a city is made more livable, life is easier. 

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October 12, 2022 at 

Stranger in a strange land that's me