Monday, October 17, 2022

hello Barcelona, goodbye Barcelona

So today we went to Barcelona and had to come right back because M didn't feel good. 

We got off the bus at Plaça de Catalunya which separates the old town from the newer part of the city. The plaza  has a fountain and a big plaza with benches around it. There must have been 599 pigeons in the plaza. They were so used to people they would sit on peoples shoulder, eat out of their hand. Cute but I don't think so and I actually like pigeons. 

M and I were walking back from the store this evening and he said: "Can you believe we are walking through a neighborhood in Barcelona Spain? Every once and a while it will hit us where we are and how unreal it sometimes seems. 

It is really cool staying in the neighborhoods where the locals live. People are going about their lives like we would back home. We shop with them, take the bus with them. Ask them questions often. When we do they say they don't speak english but usually can a little. They seem so happy to help us. So kind. 

The best part of the day has been going to the beach a couple hours before sunset and sitting by the water. Watching and listening to the waves roll in. It is so relaxing and peaceful. The sun goes down near the mountains. When it is going down the light reflects on the water and I wish I could capture how beautiful it 

I won't miss a night of watching the sun set.

via Blogger
October 17, 2022 at 07:45PM

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Stranger in a strange land that's me