Monday, August 1, 2022

Belfast: city of surprises

I never really gave Belfast much thought. It was home of the troubles. I knew there had been a peace agreement signed.  I knew more about the politics back in the 70’s but hadn’t thought much about it since.  

I didn’t even want to come but M has a friend here so we came. It has turned out to be a lot of surprises. 

As for the peace agreement, I didn’t know there were 20 foot high walls between Catholics and Protestants. There are still skirmishes. The city is divided along religious lines. I probably thought it was kumbaya  by now. 

I didn’t know the titanic was built here. It was the biggest ship ever built at the time. 100,000 people saw it off. It sank 4 days into the voyage. The main architect of the ship went down with it.

I didn’t know game of thrones was filmed here. 

From 1968 to 1998 Belfast was one of the most dangerous cities in the world. There were 45,000 bombings. 45,000! There is such a sad history here.

C.S. Lewis was born here.

The defibillator was invented here.

Belfast has one of the best hockey teams in Europe. They have huge arena in the titanic quarter.

The end.

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Stranger in a strange land that's me