Monday, June 6, 2022

Off we go

 So we left the keys to the apartment and off we went to the new adventure. Light rail to hotel near airport. Exhausted to the bone. Dumb idea #2: move the day before we were leaving. 

We would have to get up at 3 am for a 4 am shuttle to the airport. I slept off and on for 5 hours maybe. M really didn’t sleep at all. 

So off to the airport we go. (hippity hop) Hadn’t flown in a long time so nervous about security. Liquids. Electronics. Shoes. Etc. what goes in the tray. Actually it was pvery easy.

EXCEPT….I was picked out for special screening because  they thought “we saw metal near your rear”. Most have been my buns of steel. Har.

So I could off to another area for the pat down or stay there to do it. I just told them to it.

They pat down EVERYWHERE. It is bizarre. 

So that’s over. We find our gate and settle in to wait.

1 comment:

Lois Roelofs said...

Good luck on your adventure!

Stranger in a strange land that's me