Sunday, November 6, 2022

the Red Haired King of the coffee shop

I love coffee shops. There were 6 in the hipster hood within 3-4 blocks from me. There were probably 25 more within a mile. I just like sitting in them. It's relaxing.

Over here there are not as many that are strictly coffee shops. I've found very few.. There are, OF COURSE, Starbucks in tourist areas. 

So I'm sitting in a coffee shop right now. I walked in and went to the counter, like you do. A red haired employee said something to me in French. Huh? Oh no, no, no, I was swiftly asked if I was staying or doing takeaway and directed to have a seat there or maybe there...There was one table between two people or two tables next to each other, so I went to the second. Oh no, no, no (we're going to call this guy red haired guy frowned...uh oh. (We're going to call this guy the Red Haired King of the coffee shop)

There were 3 people behind me. I guess I wasn't supposed to sit at the place with two tables. He gave me a frown and I put my tail between my legs and quickly retreated to the other table. All was right in the world and everybody breathed a collective sigh of relief. 

Next to me are two Americans talking about their business experiences in Europe and the difference approaches. In other words the American are "how do we get as much money as fast as possible" and the Europeans are-"let's talk about this and have some coffee (or tea..and do you have any biscuits?)".

King red hair flits about the place rearranging the seats of patrons.. The other employees his terrified subjects trembling in the corner. Why do I get the feeling you don't want to come in here on one of his bad days? 

He keeps asking the other Americans if they need anything ELSE (a little more emphasis every TIME). In other words, the coffees gone, move on losers.

I decided the trick is-keep a little bit of coffee in the cup to avoid the wrath of the Red Haired King, keeper of the Royal Coffee Shop Time Clock. . I'm gonna milk these last few drops for the next two hours dammit!

By the way, whatever happened to lingering over meals or coffee?

I did get a very nice design in my coffee which I appreciated. (See photo above which I really should put on instagram because that's what you do. Also thought their cups with "another?" at bottom were cute).

Will I go back? Of course I will, are you kidding?

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Stranger in a strange land that's me