Friday, September 23, 2022

Brad Pitt, Interpol, YokoOno in our neighborhood in Lyon

 So I'm sitting in a French cinema (movie) watching and listening to previews in French. I love the way the language sounds. Seeing Bullet Train. Why? For the hell of it.

Today is a day of relaxation.  I walked around the lake in Lyon's largest park: Parc du la Tete d'Or. Very nice. It's across the street from the hotel. 

Now I'll watch Brad Pitt on the big screen. (Later: a violent comedy that is over the top but fun)

Neighborhood we are in is interesting. A couple of blocks down is the International Interpol headquarters. Interpol is an:

"International Criminal Police Organization and we are an inter-governmental organization. we have 195 member countries, and we help police in all of them to work together to make the world a safer place. 

To do this, we enable them to share and access data on crimes and criminals, and offer a range of technical and operational support."

"International Criminal Police Organization and we are an inter-governmental organization. We have 195 member countries, and we help police in all of them to work together to make the world a safer place." (From their 

Oookay then...I really don't want to know..

Down the street from them is a fine art museum. In front of it is a railroad car. It is from Germany during the WW2 era. There are bullet holes in it. Lord knows what happened there.

Somehow this ended up in Mexico. A few years ago, a group of Mexicans trying to get to the U.S, got in it and the door was locked at some point. The car was abandoned in the desert and they all died. 

Yoko Ono inspired by this incident, made the car into an art piece, "expressing resistance, healing, and hope for the next century." It has travelled the world.

Inside it is a very bright light that illuminates the bullet holes and her music plays.

And that folks is our neighborhood in Lyon.

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Stranger in a strange land that's me