So what are my impressions of Dublin, of Ireland so far? The people are resilient. The countryside is beautiful. Sounds kind of corny, but it’s magical.
Until the 17th century. Ireland was a series of territories ruled by kings or chiefs. It was made up of clans and divided by class (In other words, haves and have nots). The territories often fought with other. Gaelic Ireland had its own distinct dress, music, art, sport, etc.
Christianity came in the 4th century replacing paganism. The Vikings came in the 8th century. In 1169 came the Norma invasion and turbulent 800 years of English Rule. In 1916 rebels rose up for Irish independence but failed. Six years they would achieve independence but with continued apron strings tied to England. In 1949 finall full independence finally came.
The Irish story, like that of many others, is one of struggle and perseverance. They kept coming back. People here know their history and are proud of it. They tell you about it.
Ireland is as beautiful as you think it is with hills and valleys, beautiful coastlines. It is as green as you have seen in pictures. The weather is temperamental with fog, clouds, rain and sun all in one day. It adds to the mystical qualities. When it’s foggy , you can imagine creatures from the other world hiding in the nooks and crannies.
via Blogger
August 18, 2022 at 09:20PM
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