I’ve noticed something since being over here. I am not holding myself tense or grinding my teeth.
There is no doubt that I am more relaxed. It’s hard to say if it’s having less worries about everyday life or because life is more relaxed here.
Traveling like this, there are challenges. Being in a foreign country away from your home. Traveling a lot. Staying in different places all the time. However it frees you up too. All I really have to worry about is what’s the next air bnb, train ride and food. Sure I still have bills back home but they are automatically paid.
I don’t have gas, electric, cable, phone bill (I’m using SIM cards), car payment, gas for car, car insurance. Food is cheaper.
Probably the biggest difference here is the lack of gun violence. There are no shootings. No mass shootings every other day. There are stabbings here but it doesn’t seem to be on the level of US violence.
My experience here is certainly not like the people who live here on a daily basis and all their worries.
It feels different here. There is not the tension or fear of other people. Mentally unstable people are not yelling or aggressive on the street. There are homeless but they just sit with a cup on the street. I know there is racism here of course. Race doesn’t seem to permeate the very fiber of the country like the US. Black people don’t have to worry about the police gunning them down.
Riding transit is so much less stressful than the nightmare it is in the US. Politics are as stupid here as they are back home but they don’t seem as extreme. I don’t know maybe they are.
I’m making this sound like a paradise. It isn’t. It’s just more like what would be normal life. It’s not crazy. But that’s just my perspective. I’m probably way off.
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