Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Scottish insults for shites and giggles

Me and M were laughing yesterday about hearing Scots cuss. Lots of fookin' hells and shites.

So I looked up how to pronounce Scottish curse words and that led me to videos about Scootish insults. Apparently the Scots are among the top insulters in the world. These are some of the tamer ones.

So let's start with words. 
BAWBAG -ball bag (yup it’s what you think) not really offensive apparently -playful
EEJIT - idiot
NUMPTY -idiot
GLAIKIT - stupid
MINK - gross/dirty person
CRABBIT - grumpy
JOBBY - shit

Let’s use some in a sentence shall we? You are a crabbit numpty bawbag.

Here are a few insults: 


YIV A FACE LIKE A SKELPIT ERSE -you are ugly. Your face looks like someone’s red butt.

SHUT YOUR GEGGIE - shut your mouth

YER BUMS OOT THE WINDAE- talking rubbish.

OAN YER TROLLEY YOU FUCKING WEAPON - get lost, you dangerous arsehole

I’m 5% Scottish and proud of it.

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